*Note - to join the community of other Gut Health engaged members and enjoy all the information on the 30 - Day Gut Reboot page, you must already be on the New Earth ESSENTIALS program.
Dr. Baijnath interview
Dr. Baijnath is a board-certified internist with a specialty in integrative medicine. Her practice eMDe Cares is located in Palm Beach Gardens, FL, and offers an array of medical services and healing therapies. She has held licenses to practice in NJ, CA, NV, and now FL, and possesses various certifications & coursework in medical marijuana, hormone replacement therapy, Ayurveda, and nutritional health. Dr. Baijnath attended Rutgers University for her undergraduate studies and St. Georges University School of Medicine for her graduate work. Her residency was completed at State University of New York (SUNY Brooklyn). She previously worked in private practice in Las Vegas, NV, and Watchung, NJ, as well as in the Veterans Administration Hospital in both California and Florida.
Dr. Baijnath’s current practice specializes in holistic consultations and the emerging field of epigenetic-based health & wellness. Her holistic program incorporates a blend of Eastern and Western Medicine, including medical cannabis, acupuncture, colon hydrotherapy and life coaching. She is one of the top certifying physicians in both Palm Beach County and Florida for medical cannabis, helping hundreds of patients ease their pains and reduce dependency on prescription meds and opioids. Dr. Baijnath lives in Palm Beach Gardens with her husband and two pets. Her personal interests include yoga, meditation, spirituality, reading, and gardening.
An interview on GUT HEALTH with Wellness Whole Foods Educator Donia Alawi
Interview with Author of Beyond Foods Barb Swanson. GUT HEALTH and the 30-DAY GUT REBOOT program:
We all need to understand that if our digestive systems are not supported well to get to the point where we all have good amounts of friendly bacteria and are digesting our foods well, everything else we will be doing to help our liver is not going to be as effective. We need to put our initial efforts into our first line of defense: the digestive system.
Yes, all this gut health information is applicable to any condition. This is because it’s about cleaning the diet, alkalizing the body, detoxifying the body, nourishing well, hydrating well, .....etc. and this is why it is applicable to any condition.
Here's my conclusion after years of studying natural healing about why a degenerative condition develops:
The progression of degenerative conditions is the following: candida = leaky gut = dysfunctional digestive system = allergies = congested liver and kidneys = burdened and stressed endocrine glands (thyroid, pituitary, and adrenal). At this stage when the endocrine glands are burdened is when the medical model will label a person with some form(s) of a degenerative condition. Healing the body naturally requires to initially address the candida problem.
People have at least 5 pounds of bacteria in their body at all times. In fact, of the entire DNA people have in their body, only 5% is their own DNA. 95% of the DNA in the body is the bacterial-count in the digestive tract. Thus, the question is, "Do I have the bacteria are supporting my other DNA, or do I have bacteria that are fighting the health of my body and my DNA?”
Probiotic bacteria has been proven to effect the way that human DNA will turn on or turn off certain diseases or health functions. Maintaining a good probiotic bacterial count goes far beyond preventing bloating.
Probiotic bacteria are the body's second-line-of-defense against microbes, fungi, and bad bacteria. They stick their “territory”; they colonize the gut, and those colonies produce chemicals that protect the body from bad bacteria which may be ingested.
The highest source of contamination in the body, other than a cut in the skin, is through the food you eat. As a result, the human body has created a colonizing, symbiotic relationship with good bacteria that maintain their territory in our gut and protect us from invaders. In return, they take a small portion of the nutrients we ingest.
There are several types of bacteria that are transient (bacteria comes in and goes out), and there is about 8 to 10 types of bacteria that colonize in the gut.
Items that harm the intestinal tract: chlorinated water, caffeine, carbonated beverages, birth control pills, many other pills, antibiotics, and more. For more information on the Essentials notes, please contact Liza
All health begins with the Gut
Barbara Swanson: "She is right on in that diet is a major component of how autism plays out. For my autistic son (Aspergers), diet was the ONLY therapy that consistently improved his life. Our products changed his life--it is why I went into this as a business."
Ilyse August: The fact that "the GNS (Gut Nervous System) is organized around our GI tract and contains as many or more neurons than our spinal cord, & the fact also that the body's Serotonin levels are actually mainly supported by the beneficial microbes in our gut's "2nd brain", I am not surprised by the level of truth in this video clip. We sure have some educating to do, but business as mission is a beautiful thing."
Other physician testimonials:
TESTIMONIES IN 1985 I was introduced to wild edible microalgae & what is today, the New Earth product line. As my patients began to use the superfood nutritionals, I noted that many organ systems responded well to this kind of natural nutrition. I´m so grateful to have these powerful tools for myself and my family. - Christopher H. Hassell, M.D., CCFP Board Certified Family Physician-Toronto, Canada
After years of researching the best foods for my family, myself, and for my patients, I found AFA microalgae. We have been using it for 2 years now with amazing results. This ancient food has all the micronutrients plus the enzymes and cofactors to absorb and use them. This wild microalgae has twice the protein of meat, 6 times more antioxidants than blueberries, 22 times more iron than Spinach!!, 9 times more Beta Carotene than Carrots, 6 times more Calcium than Milk, and includes a multitude of nutrients for brain enhancement, stem cell mobilization, immune system stimulation (all scientifically proven). *I have found a source that is NSF to GMP certified, which guarantees its safety and purity. People are having amazing results. Whole foods are the answer to the World’s health crisis. Food is the answer! https://vimeo.com/208399577 Adonis Maiquez, MD Functional & Regenerative Medicine 1011 Sunnybrook Road, Suite 901 Miami, FL 33136 Phone: 305-204-7816
JEFFREY D. MILLMAN, M.D Sparks Medical Building, Sparks, Nevada FAMILY MEDICINE PREVENTIVE MEDICINE Having discovered the amazing benefits that Organic Micro Algae had on my family, and myself I felt obligated to share this nutritious food with many of my patients. As a Family Physician, my patient population runs the gamut from newborns to senior citizens: from the very healthy to the extremely ill. My work is evolving to include alternative approaches along with the allopathic techniques that I have been using for over 25 years. I would like to share some clinical observations I have seen with people using algae as an addition to the previously established, prescribed regimen of nutrition, exercise, stress management or medication. My experience with Algae is with Organic Micro Algae, harvested, cleaned, freeze-dried and encapsulated by New Earth from Klamath Lake, a pristine, virtually pollution-free source of highly nutritious Algae. I use and recommend Organic Micro Algae because of the meticulous processing of New Earth’s high quality product. In general, I notice that the healthier the individual, the more quickly they respond and usually with a lower number of capsules or tablets. Those who are quite ill and debilitated, take longer to respond, have more intense cleansing/detoxification and seem to do better when progressing slowly in the amount of Algae consumed. If one’s habits and lifestyle are healthy, the initial response to the Algae can be within an hour or two, whereas, more ill patients may require weeks to gradually increase the quantity sufficient to feel the benefits. One’s general state of health also affects the degree of cleansing/detoxification symptoms seen when initially eating or when increasing symptoms. Healthier people have milder reactions to detoxification. My recommendation during a cleanse, is to stop the Organic Micro Algae until the symptom abates, then resume, at one less Body and one less Mind, waiting a few weeks, and then increasing it again. This time there should be no symptoms. Increased energy is the most prominent observation seen initially with Organic Micro Algae. People seem to require fewer hours of sleep per night, sleep more soundly, fall back asleep easily if awakened, and feel more rested despite fewer hours of sleep. Digestive disorders improve dramatically with Organic Micro Algae. Individuals with reflux, gastritis, peptic ulcers, food intolerances, gas, bloating, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation or diarrhea, relate marked improvement and/or resolution of their symptoms when they began with Probiotics (Acidophilus & Bifidus or Spectrabiotic) and Enzymes for one or two weeks before starting the Body and Mind. As a person’s digestive symptoms improve, the quantity of Probiotics can be decreased. (note- longer letter can be provided upon request)
NUTRITIONAL MANAGEMENT IN AUTISM Joni Jones, R.N. (excerpt from longer testimonial letter) : To make an informed decision on a nutritional supplementation program, one must understand the basic biochemistry of the body. This is important because it is not individual products that heal the body, but the body that heals the body. Individual products can offer support to this process. Reaching homeostasis (synergy and balance) should always be the goal, as a well-nourished body does not make mistakes. Taking a "cut and paste" approach simply does not support the body in a systematic way. Reading this informational tool may help the reader understand how New Earth’s program offers that systematic support, addressing issues that many with autism spectrum disorders face everyday.
Many individuals with autism spectrum disorders are known to be enzyme deficient. Some autistic children cannot tolerate gluten and casein. This can be readily determined by watching changes in behaviors shortly after eating foods containing these proteins. Two theories include a peptide formation from the incomplete breakdown of the proteins traveling up to the brain causing a morphine-like behavioral response, or an "allergy" or sensitivity to the proteins themselves. The first theory would be directly related to the enzyme deficiency and the second to a faulty intestinal tract. The body does produce enzymes, and the lining of the intestinal wall can heal. We can see that the body is one of regeneration when we cut ourselves and the cut heals. The body merely needs support to optimally complete needed tasks, so let’s look at why supplementation is necessary.
Many children with autism have problems with absorption, food sensitivities and even leaky-gut syndrome. When food enzymes are depleted, foods tend not to be digested completely. The undigested food is likely to adhere to the lining of the intestinal wall. This lining is the foundation for overall good health. This is where most of our absorption takes place (absorption of many vitamins, nutrients and many medications). If the lining has undigested food stuck to it, obviously absorption may be greatly compromised. Undigested food begins to permeate through the intestinal wall and autistic children can become prone to leaky gut syndrome. Allergens can easily get into the bloodstream. There are little red blood cells that run along the outside of the intestinal wall that can absorb this degrading food or waste material. The red blood cells travel all throughout the body including the brain. The body is then nourished with this sludge.
Learning about the intestinal tract will promote an understanding of why it is essential the autistic individual supplement with good bacteria. Good intestinal bacteria are referred to as probiotics, meaning "for life". There can be little doubt that the digestive system is the key to reaching the optimal health model. Our intestinal tract has a multitude of functions and can be divided into two sections. These are known as the small and large intestines. The small intestine is where the absorption of nutrients takes place, and removal of toxins and other wastes takes place in the large intestine. There are hundreds of different species of bacteria that inhabit a normal bowel (Intestinal tract). What many do not realize is the body does not make intestinal bacteria. We get bacteria, both good and bad, from our environment. Bacteria are in the food we eat, liquids we drink, air we breathe and even the clothes we wear. Parasites and viruses can also take home in the bowel, which is also found to be common in many autistic individuals. There are trillions of microorganisms in the bowel that are not always friendly. Microorganisms are so small you can’t even see them. Once these bacteria enter the body, it’s up to the body to fight them off. This is a constant struggle because we are always faced with billions of bacteria. They are everywhere. Friendly bacteria that live in the intestinal tract multiply and fight off disease and illness. This is why it is essential to supplement with good intestinal bacteria. Creating a terrain that multiplies good bacteria stops bad bacteria from multiplying and forces them away. One third of the dry weight of fecal matter is made of excreted bacteria, which could be good, bad and indifferent.
Many autistic individuals have low intestinal pH resulting in an overgrowth of yeast. This compromises the integrity of the bowel and the immune system. This can easily promote a circle because when illness strikes many times treatment consists of antibiotic therapy. This destroys both bad and good bacteria and compromises the immune system even further. Probiotics such as acidophilus can boost the immune system by producing their own "natural" antibiotic. It can help neutralize the effects of toxins and pollutants and fight off the harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. Probiotics participate in the digestive process, manufacture some important B vitamins and produce the enzyme needed to digest milk-based foods that produce the mineral calcium. Probiotics help correct issues of diarrhea or constipation and even eczema, also common in the autism community. When the intestinal tract is not functioning optimally, more stress is put on the liver and kidneys. It is not unusual to see detoxification through the skin and allergy symptoms such as cold symptoms and even asthma. When pH levels are low, mineral absorption is difficult. Many autistic individuals are deficient in calcium, magnesium and zinc. Maintaining zinc levels is so important. Two main reasons in autism are that many autistic children eat very limited amounts of foods, (Zinc is responsible for balancing taste and smell which encourages a higher variety of food selections) and supplying the needed mineral to the RNA in the cells that tells nutrients where they are needed to go in the body.
New Earth provides high quality probiotics. Although many people are familiar with acidophilus they are not aware there are about 200 different strains of acidophilus and that acidophilus functions mainly in the small intestine. This is why it is important not to limit probiotic to acidophilus alone, and know the quality of the acidophilus. The viability of the organism is directly related to the company’s processing and particular strain. The DDS-1 strain is researched to be the most effective. New Earth went directly to the developer of the strain Dr. Khem Shahani, and does not centrifuge it like some other companies. There is also algae in the capsules of the acidophilus, which provide nice cofactors and may actually be a food source to the live bacteria that will help maintain its viability. Acidophilus is responsible for promoting absorption in the small intestine and makes colonies that strengthen its wall (needed to heal the gut). A high quality strain can inhibit the growth of Candida (yeast), activate production of vitamins, aid in food digestion and lactose intolerance and provide a natural antibiotic. All acidophilus are not alike.
Bifidobacterium bifidum (bifidus) live primarily in the large intestine. This supplementation helps repopulate it with friendly bacteria, manufacture specific B vitamins and promote immune function. New Earth provides Bifidus with algae in it. Bifidus aides in the absorption of water from food, inhibits bloating and gas, and promotes effective elimination of toxins and waste materials. To add even more beneficial flora to the intestinal tract New Earth provides Spectrabiotic. Although autistic individuals cannot live in a bubble they certainly can achieve a healthier gastrointestinal tract with the supplementation of high-quality probiotics.
(The FULL testimonial letter can be furnished upon request)